For Whom?


• To provide parents with accessible tools and resources to effectively guide their children in developing good character and self-discipline in a positive and rewarding way.

• To promote open communication and collaboration between parents and children regarding expectations and values.



• To create a fun and interactive learning experience that helps children understand and embrace moral values, good choices, and responsible behavior.

• To empower children to set goals, track progress, and celebrate achievements, fostering a sense of self-worth and accomplishment.


• To offer a complementary resource that aligns with the school’s values and curriculum, reinforcing positive behaviors and moral development both in the classroom and at home.

• To facilitate communication and collaboration between teachers and parents when it comes to discipline and character building.

Values Education and Life Skills

Constitutional and universal values should also be encouraged amongst students. Hygiene, sanitation, dedication, honesty, truthfulness, kindness, empathy respect for the environment, elders and all living things etc. are the values that our students must actively practice. Parents may also support schools in cultivating disciplined behaviour in their wards. Class teacher will grade the students on a Five- point scale (A to E) keeping in view the overall attendance, sincerity, values and behaviour of the students. Values Education Resource Book and Kit developed by CBSE may be used for inculcating values in students.

Similarly, schools endeavour to inculcate Life Skills and 21st Century Skills as per the directions and material developed by CBSE.